Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mini Rant to Educate Some People

Ok, today I've read across some things (some posted by my FRIENDS) that have REALLY irked me.

So here's my rant for today and I'm sorry if you don't like my opinion or my language. 


There, I've said it. If you have a problem with the number of kids in my family, too freaking bad. Not your womb, not your decision. 

If you have a problem that due to circumstances we couldn't control, that we are on some forms of assistance to help us get by, too freaking bad! That's what it's there for!! Whether we had one kid or twenty, the hard times we've had over the last year hit us deep and we needed the help. Get OVER IT!!!

I am so SICK of hearing people say that we shouldn't have had as many kids as we did. But the bottom line is this: God provides for those who have faith. Did you ever stop to think that MAYBE His way of providing is to allow some assistance to be given in times of need????

My kids are healthy. They are fed. They are clothed. They have a roof over their heads and a warm bed to sleep in. They have a few toys to entertain. They are smart. They attend school. They have extracurriculars they participate in. I will NOT force my children to suffer and miss out because we are having some troubles. I will sacrifice some things I need so that they can go to Scouts or Cheerleading and have some fun and learn something new. 

If you have a problem with this, don't bother us. Don't look into our lives, don't friend us, don't talk to us. We are not welfare whores. We EARNED our living and it was RIPPED away from us so we are doing what we can. 

I am so sick and tired of hearing snarky comments from so called friends and even worse from our family! I will have as many children as GOD will allow since ALL blessings are from above, right??? Should I not have sex with my own husband because YOU might not like the number of my family? Screw you! This is OUR life and WE will deal with any consequences from it. 

OUR tax dollars go to support government aid no matter WHO is on it so what difference does one family make? Whether we choose to accept it or not, your taxes will still pay for it. That won't ever change so stop trying to make me feel guilty because you are just jealous that you don't qualify! 

Why don't you have some more kids??? Since that's obviously what we're doing, right? Just having kid after kid to stay on the system??

Wanna hear a secret?? We make below the poverty level for a SINGLE PERSON FAMILY!!!! And we're a family of SIX!!!  

Instead of complaining that WE'RE the problem, why don't you work on getting more JOBS here for us that pay more than a meager $8/hr?? Think maybe that would solve a problem or two?? Huh???

Get over yourselves and keep your nose out of my uterus. 

Ok, rant over. Go on about your day. 

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