Sunday, March 3, 2013

Intro to the show.(Cast of characters)

Hey there. Guess I should introduce myself. I'm Krysta. I'm a mom. It really is the best job in the world. I have four wonderful children. I guess you could say I've been at this a while and I know what I'm doing. :)

My oldest child is 7.  He's a boy. We'll call him "E" since my kids have the same first initials and I'd prefer to not use their names here. Never know who's reading this. E is my shining star. He's smart, funny, kind, loving. And ornery! But what first grader isn't, right? 

Next is "A". She's 5 and is our princess. She loves to dance and sing and is smart as a whip. She's in kindergarten now but we fully expect her to be pushed ahead in the next year or so which would make E pretty jealous I'm sure. 

Then comes "D". She's 3, eager to be like her big siblings but lazy too. Still working on basics with her such as potty training. I'm not in too much of a hurry though. She's still my baby girl. 

Finally there's "M".  He's 14 months old and is growing way too fast. He's so ahead on the milestone charts we call him our baby genius. I did breastfeed him the longest though so that may have something to do with his large intellect. ;)

And I can't leave out my main man, my knight in shining armor, my soul mate and partner on this crazy ride; my husband, Brent. He's a geek, nerd, techno-brain, what have you and he's all mine. 

So that makes up our brood for now. Not sure what all God has in store for us in the future but we're eagerly anticipating.

I want to try to keep this blog up better than I did my last one. I also would love to gain more followers and potentially get signed on to a site like Babycenter or Babble. Blogging is not easy, especially when you are a stay at home parent of four young kids, but I feel I have a lot that I can share with the world and I look forward to doing just that. 

So sit back, relax, and enjoy our life on internet pages. Our one of a kind storyline. Our very own virtual circus that we call family. Have fun!

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